And all of that is sweet and thoughtful and romantic. Valentine's Day is, after all, about love. No matter how you give it, no matter who you give it to, just as long as you give it. To your friends, your family, your neighbors, your enemies (yep!), your co-workers, your boss, your intern, your patients, your classmates... the list could go on!
AND, if you have the amazing, everlasting, forgiving, patient, kind, personal, extravagant, deep, merciful, glorious, unconditional, never-ending love of the One who is love, as I do, then you really have something to celebrate today.
(Try not to let the day pass without thanking Him for that.)
For those of you who are spending Valentine's Day with "that special someone," I wish you the best one yet!
And I apologize in advance for making anyone jealous because of the gentlemen I'll be spending my night with :)

I'll leave you with a little romantic verse. Notice the chapter:verse. Coincidence?
"Show me your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet and your face is lovely." Song of Songs 2:14

I love it .... and love you!!
U such a big girl.
I love you,
you can have one and i'll have the other and we'll go on a double date and then live happily ever after.
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