Thursday, December 16, 2010

Resolution Schmesolution

Well, Y2K10 is officially coming to an end. You know what that means! New Year's resolutions! My skin crawls at the thought of trying to think of a self-help "goal" on a time restraint. You mean I have to come up with a habit breaking or habit forming [thing] that will ultimately make me "a better person" by the end of 2011? Talk about pressure! I found where I had written a few NYR's in my journal from this past year:

1. Stop popping knuckles.
I may not pop my fingers as often, but I pop my wrists every. single. morning. And my elbows.

2. Don't impulse buy.
I can practically hear you laughing at me. Stop it.

3. Work out 2x/week (+).
The fact that I put (+) at the end to indicate "or more" really chaps my ego... as if I thought biweekly was for the birds or something.

Writing a recap blog post of the whole year is nearly impossible. I think [0ne of] my 2011 NYR's is to journal more- to take 10 minutes at the end of each day to write a quick note to myself. A quote from that day, a thought, a frustration, a prayer. I used to keep a hefty diary back in high school and somewhat during the past year and a half or so. If you know me, you know my tendency to forget a lot of things. I'm a documenter. I remember things through pictures, journal entries, blog posts, tweets, wall-to-wall posts. I have a lonely blank journal on my bedside table that I should start writing in...

...Maybe I'll get to that next year.

Journal entry: January 7, 2010
{.. "The ability to love people as we should only comes from the security of knowing we ourselves are loved. For you cannot share what you do not have."
-Having a Mary Spirit
I love this quote. I guess if I can't do much, I can treat people with love. That is step 1. ..}

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