Tuesday, June 28, 2011

There's something sexy about the rain.

Does anyone else find romance in a rainstorm???  I don't mean lovey-dovey kiss-kiss romance.  I mean the "finding beauty in nature" kind of romance.  I love how rain is simple, pure, exciting, refreshing... not to mention I love the smell of it!  ...No?  Just me?

I woke up early and was planning on going for a run jog walk at Big Dam Bridge while it was still cool outside.  That was until I saw it was supposed to rain today.  I'm talking looking-like-it's-nighttime colored skies, lightening, thunder in the far distance rolling in, marble-sized raindrops kind of rain.  Also known as "stay-in-bed rain."

So that's exactly what I did.  I got back in bed, turned on my TV, and am loving this Tuesday storm!  I justify my laziness today with the idea that I should take advantage of this lazy-day weather while I can.

My to-do list for today isn't going to get itself done, which is why I'm going to regret this later and tomorrow during the big move... Oh, well.

Photo courtesy of Pinterest.

Title: "There's Something Sexy About the Rain" by Kenny Chesney.  For real.

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